Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Project kick-off to include inspection of the sites, review of Town Codes and Standards, ANR Rivers Management requirements and standards, and FEMA’s hazard mitigation requirements. For each structure: 2. An alternatives analysis for types of new structures with conceptual estimates and a recommendation. 3. A detailed hydraulics study and scour analysis in accordance with the VTRANS Hydraulics manual, the Vermont ANR Stream Alterations Standards, and the Town’s codes and standards for the sizing of each of the new structures. 4. Development of contract plans, technical specifications, final engineer’s estimate and bid documents for each structure, and assistance with the bidding process. 5. Information that will need to be provide to FEMA for review, including staging areas for equipment and material, access routes for movement of equipment and/or facilitation of construction, areas of proposed tree removal, and limits of expected excavation/ground disturbance 6. Construction phase services.