In general, the City expects the Design-Build process to complete condition assessments of five of the eight reservoirs which shall include the following items at a minimum: overflow, drain, ground settlement, pipe size, valves, roof, coating, controls, known, and unknown issues to identify deficiencies, repairs, and potential replacements. The City expects that the Project will meet the following objectives and functions: • Identify critical deficiencies. • Include lead paint abatement in the Preliminary Engineering Report. • Operate the existing reservoirs, or similar systems, with little to no disruption to Water service during construction to meet community demands. • Extend the life of the existing Water Storage Reservoirs through the completion of in-depth Evaluations of the existing infrastructure and recommend repairs and upgrades for the PDB Design and Construction Phase work. • Implement required life, safety, structural, and functional improvements to existing facilities that will continue to be used and address other condition issues. • Consider risks of unforeseen conditions to reduce the likelihood that such conditions could increase Project costs during construction. In addition, the PDB team shall provide various supporting services, including: • Developing operations and maintenance plans and manuals, if applicable. • Developing a staff training plan and training staff on operation and maintenance of the new and rehabilitated facilities and systems, if applicable. • Tagging and numbering of all assets coordinated with the City’s asset management system during design, if applicable.