Specifications include, but are not limited to: Task 1: Kickoff The Consultant will inspect the site, review the Town Codes and Standards, ANR Rivers Management requirements and standards, and FEMA’s hazard mitigation requirements. The Consultant will review damages caused to the bridge and town infrastructure, and Creamery St properties during the July 2023 flooding. Task 2: Evaluation of the current structure The Consultant will perform a detailed hydraulics study and scour analysis in accordance with the VTRANS Hydraulics manual, the State of Vermont H&H Study Guide (updated March 22, 2024), the Vermont ANR Stream Alterations Standards, and the Town’s codes and standards for the sizing of the structure, and will evaluate whether the current structure is hydraulically adequate. Task 3: Alternative Analysis If the bridge is found to be undersized, the Consultant will evaluate alternative structures. The Consultant will: 1. Review Right-of-Way and deed information to determine whether further rights-ofway would be required. 2. Provide information on the potential ecological and flood mitigation benefits of 2 to 3 alternatives to mitigate flooding in the area of the Creamery St bridge. 3. Coordinate with Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Rivers Program, Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers to determine permitting requirements. 4. Determine whether the alternatives would result in any environmental or historical impact. This review will include a historic preservation professional and input from the State Historic Preservation Office. 5. Provide an opinion regarding feasibility of various alternatives based on cost, permit requirements, ability to obtain permits, right-of-way issues, and other relevant considerations. 6. Based on the information above, the Consultant will assist the Town in selecting a preferred alternative. Task 4: Benefit-Cost Analysis The Consultant will conduct a benefit cost analysis for the project including a detail of damage history/loss of function, damage to other properties nearby, and identification/ quantification of ecological and flood mitigation benefits. The Benefit-Cost Analysis will be conducted to satisfy the requirements of the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Application; Vermont Emergency Management has offered support for this process. Task 5: Conceptual Plans: The Consultant will develop engineering plans and an opinion of probable construction cost estimates for the preferred alternative identified above.