Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Hawaiʻi State Department of Education’s (STATE) Office of Hawaiian Education (OHE) seeks to partner with ʻāina-based organizations and/or individual cultural practitioners to serve as Nohona Hawai'i educators and/or host sites who provide support focused on traditional Hawaiian ways of knowing to STATE stakeholders and community partners. The experience should be guided through the lineage of respected kupuna in traditional Hawaiian knowledge and include circling together to connect to land and ancestors, hands-on 'āina education in aloha ʻāina settings, and reinforcing experiential learning through reflection. Through the experience participants will be exposed to one or more of the following: the Nā Hopena A`o (HĀ) framework (Attachment A), ‘Āina Aloha framework (AʻA) (Attachment B) and the Foundational and Administrative Framework for Kaiapuni Education (FAFKE) (Attachment C).