Specifications include, but are not limited to: AH is seeking expertise in primarily 2 focus areas – Section 106 Consultation and Historic Architecture. Firms can respond to 1 or both focus areas. AH is also looking for firms with the ability to assist with historic tax credits and grants, but historic tax credit and grant experience is not mandatory. Section 106 Consultation The vendor should have a clear understanding of how to interpret and apply the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and a clear understanding of how to interpret and apply the National Register of Historic Places criteria. The vendor should also be very familiar with the requirements of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, the City of Atlanta Historic Preservation Ordinance, and any other applicable Federal, State, or local regulations. When applicable, the work performed shall meet the applicable Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards. a. Prepare environmental review requests for submittal to the Georgia State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO); b. Prepare Cultural Resources Surveys, Historic Structure Reports; Historic American Buildings Surveys, Photographic Permanent Archival Record, or otherreports; c. Consult with the SHPO on ways to avoid, reduce, or mitigate adverse effects to historic properties;