Specifications include, but are not limited to: The County is looking for a service provider to be able to take damage claim assignments on accident files where County-owned vehicles have been involved in a loss where there was an at-fault party who caused the damage. Service provider must be able to set up a physical damage only (not liability) file and perform the following services on a contingent fee basis: 1. Review the file for at-fault parties and properly identify the driver and owner of the vehicle and their insurance carrier. 2. Be able to have the vehicle appraised by an I-Car (Inter Industry Conference for Collision Repair) Gold Class or better appraiser and have that appraisal reviewed by a central estimate review team also having I-Car Gold Class certification to ensure accuracy, completeness, and compliance with I-Car standards as well as the vehicle manufacturer’s design and repair specifications. 3. Be able to provide subrogation services for the recovery of damages (repairable damage or total loss) and be able to attest to and subsequently prove average recovery times of 90 days or fewer. 4. Be able to, based upon documentation provided by the County, identify, calculate, and pursue the at-fault party for the appropriate portion of the County’s cost to maintain a pool/fleet of specialty vehicles for the period of time the vehicle is being repaired or replaced; or, if the vehicle was a non-specialty vehicle that is routinely available in the rental market, the cost or value of a comparable vehicle for the period of time the vehicle was being repaired or replaced. 5. Be able to identify, properly document, and pursue the at-fault party for the repair related and inherent related diminution of value the vehicle sustained because of the damaged caused by the at-fault party, if any...