Specifications include, but are not limited to: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: HOUSE W/ ATTACHED GARAGE 22 FT x 46 FT PROPERTY OWNER(S): LYNETTE HINERMAN (DECEASED) & MICHEL W. DAVIS 1. The City will arrange for the disconnection of utility service connections. Before starting demolition, the contractor must verify that all utilities have been disconnected. The contractor is responsible for calling dig safe to get locates. 2. The sewer shall be capped. This must be completed by a licensed plumber. 3. Demolish and remove the house with attached garage and foundation. 4. All demolition materials must be dumped in a demolition landfill licensed by Kansas Department of Health and Environment. 5. Demolition landfill receipts to show landfill usage is required prior to payment for services rendered. 6. The demolition must be a wet down tear down and follow KDHE Regulations and Statutes to include a Class II on site during the demolition process. 7. The demolition debris must be treated as Regulated Asbestos- Containing Material (RACM) and shall be wrapped in not less than six-mil- thick plastic sheeting for disposal purposes. (28-50-14(1)) The contractor will be required to submit a special waste disposal request to KDHE and obtain approval from Rolling Meadows RDF for disposal prior to transporting the debris to the landfill. 8. Remove and set aside the orange caution fencing. The PMU will arrange to pick this up for future use. 9. Remove short section of wire fencing and three metal âTâ posts running from the front sidewalk along the right (North) side of the driveway. Leave all chain-link fencing. 10. Remove concrete, bricks, trash receptacle, cardboard, buckets, limbs, branches and wood on ground, loose trash, debris and rubbish from the premises.