Specifications include, but are not limited to: It is the intent of The Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta, Georgia (AH) to enter into one or more contracts with qualified, professional service provider(s) to establish a comprehensive and cost efficient service delivery strategy and program(s) that promote health, wellness and active lifestyles among the target groups which include AH-assisted senior residents, ages 55 and older and adults with disabilities, ages 18 to 54, participating in the Housing Choice Voucher Program and residing in AH subsidized communities; community list is provided, see Exhibit A. The location(s) of services and transportation assistance to and from these residences must be provided by the Respondent(s). Locations of services must be within the city of Atlanta except for field trips and other outings and must be accessible to persons with disabilities. The programs will need to have capacity to serve up to 250 seniors and 50 adults with disabilities, with a primary focus on coordinating the participation of residents into existing programs in the city of Atlanta.