Specifications include, but are not limited to: PROJECT NO. ST83140119 7TH STREET & MINNEZONA The project is located along Minnezona Avenue from 7th Street to 8th Street, 8th Street from Minnezona Avenue to Meadowbrook Avenue and along Meadowbrook Avenue to 8th Place. Additionally, the project is located at 7th Street and Meadowbrook. The work will include the installation of storm drain pipe, catch basins, manholes, and inlet structures. The project will include a waterline replacement and connection. The project will also include the installation, removal and replacement of asphalt-concrete pavement, microseal, pavement markings, valley gutters, driveway entrances, sidewalk, curb and gutter, and ADA curb ramps. PROJECT NO. ST83140121 NORTH LANE 22ND STREET TO 24TH STREET The project is located within the City of Phoenix Park Preserve south of North Lane between 22nd Street and 24th Street. The work will include the installation of two earthen channels, angular dumped rip rap, storm drain pipe, catch basins, concrete headwall, and a scupper. The project will also include landscape plant material salvage and restoration including preservation of the desert microbial crust. PROJECT NO. ST83140122 50TH PLACE & CLARENDON The project is located along East Clarendon Avenue from 50th Street to 50th Place. The work will include the installation of a trench drain and grated metal inlet structure. The project requires adjustment to a water valve. The project will also include subgrade preparation, slurry seal coat, the installation, removal and replacement of asphalt-concrete pavement, and valley gutter. PROJECT NO. ST83140123 26TH STREET & SHEA BOULEVARD The project is located along N 26th Street at Shea Boulevard, and on Shea Boulevard from N 26th Street to N 25th Place. The work will include the installation of storm drain pipe, catch basins, manholes, and inlet structures. The project will include a waterline replacement, realignment, and connection. The project will also include subgrade preparation, slurry seal coat, the installation, removal and replacement of asphaltconcrete pavement, valley gutters, sidewalk, and curb and gutter.