Connecting an EV charger at multi-family housing can be a lengthy and costly process that is further complicated by the need for a third-party (i.e., property owner/manager) to undertake these investments and provide ongoing operational support for billing and maintenance. It is also often unclear how residents of single-family homes without dedicated access to parking can economically and conveniently access EV charging. This contract opportunity is for the research and production of two versions of a State of the Market report, the content of which will help PG&E to identify scalable solution(s) for connecting parking-constrained customers with reliable charging opportunities. We define scalable solutions as solutions that are deemed able to be deployed in large numbers to meet these customer’s charging needs. Key metrics driving this determination include but are not necessarily limited to cost and ease of installation for the customer (whomever is paying for the chargers), convenience and cost to the drivers, and public safety and the safety of utility equipment. This contract is part of an Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) pilot. The output of the pilot will inform PG&E’s strategy for how it will reduce the barriers to providing reliable charging for parking-constrained customers at scale.