Specifications include, but are not limited to: To provide Talking Circle groups for the Department of Health and Human Services (“DHHS”) and Division of Juvenile Justice and Youth Services (“JJYS”). Talking Circle groups will help JJYS youth learn coping skills to move through the stages of change model and improve relationships in their lives. a. Conduct a weekly Talk Circle group for youth referred by DHHS at JJYS facilities that provide the adequate space. 1. Provide all learning materials and supplies required for groups with DHHS youth. 2. Comply with DHHS and JJYS policies, building regulations, facility policies. DHHS policies can be found on the DHHS website. Facility policy can be provided by the Assistant Program Director ( “APD”) or DHHS designee. These policies may change and Contractor staff may be asked to make adaptations without advance notice. The Contractor shall ensure that staff providing service in each facility have reviewed the facility visitor policy before providing any services, and annually thereafter. b. Coordinate session schedules with the APD or designee in each participating facility. The preferred schedule is Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. c. Ensure that the group is ready to start at the agreed upon hour. d. Provide 48 hours written notice of cancellation of any session to the facility APD or DHHS designee. Email is an acceptable form of written communication. e. Communicate preferably by email with facility personnel to finalize schedule, location, group size, attendee list and other required information. All groups, locations, and times must be coordinated with and approved by the DHHS APD or designee. f Comply with DHHS records requirements. These records must be available upon request by DHHS.