Specifications include, but are not limited to: The contractor shall provide all necessary labor, materials, equipment, sweeping, grading, tacking, cutting butt joints, and necessary traffic control. The intent of this bid is to provide all necessary work for a complete job. Signs, barricades, lights, and other necessary incidentals to detour traffic shall be furnished and maintained by the contractor at his/her expense. ADA compliant handicap ramps must be installed at TWO (2) predetermined location. The handicap ramp locations will be marked at the time of bid advertisement (for awareness of the bidders). The handicap ramp must be installed in accordance with the most recent State of Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) Standard Construction Specifications and Details and the latest ADA requirements for the application. The ramp shall be provided with masonry truncated domes cast in place. The existing curb and sidewalk shall be removed (by saw cutting) and disposed of by the contractor to the extent necessary to install the new handicapped ramps to the required slopes and grades. A two (2) foot wide patch is required in the roadway adjacent to the curb that is being removed and replaced when that portion of the road is not being overlaid with hot mix. The patch shall consist of eight (8) inches of compacted crusher run followed by two lifts of two (2) inch hot mix. The existing pavement shall be saw-cut prior to removal. The areas adjacent to the new handicapped ramps shall be regraded (to prevent water ponding or a tripping hazard) with clean top soil and seeded to prevent erosion. All of the above work shall be included in the unit prices bid by the contractor for each handicapped ramp installation. The contractor is solely responsible to remove all vegetation from roadway surface and edges prior to top coat paving.