The building #1013 Renovations will support comprehensive renewal efforts within the c. 1959 former Poultry Science Building, currently known as Building #1013 following relocation of the Poultry Science Department to the new Poultry Science Building. The north wing is anticipated to be renovated for research programs in the Institute of Integrative Precision Agriculture and the south wing will be renovated as an instructional hub. Building system replacements and code-oriented upgrades will advance reuse of this midcentury science facility for these renovated purposes. Provision of active learning classrooms and collaborative study spaces is a key anticipated programmatic element, advancing the university’s 2025 Strategic Plan goal to “enhance infrastructure and support for evidence-based teaching methods across the curriculum.” As a component of the University of Georgia’s larger strategic Science and Ag Hill Modernization efforts, the full renovation will enable greater efficiencies in space assignments and contribute to further renewal opportunities in facilities to be vacated with its completion