Specifications include, but are not limited to: This project generally consists of rehabilitation of existing outdated and/damaged sewer collection system at many City streets, at least One (1) street from each Ward of Gulfport, Mississippi in the "MIMA City-wide Paving Area” which has either been paved or will be paved using MIMA funds. The purpose of this project is to rehab sewer mains and sewer manholes using Cured-In-Place Pipe (CIPP) rehabilitation, and other repairs to associated manholes, services, and other related appurtenances. The proposed wastewater pipe in these Wards is experiencing inflow and had experienced the greatest number of sewer leaks in the City. All proposed mains below will be cleaned, and video inspected during the CIPP process. Any point repairs of the sewer line needed will be recommended by the contractor and engineer after the video inspection. A total of approximately 60,000 L.F. of sewer pipe and 200 manholes will be rehabbed and lined.