Maintenance/Inspection Schedule Maintenance and inspection services shall be provided semi-annually. A work schedule will be developed upon Agreement execution. A three-day notice is required prior to visiting the office for regular maintenance. Each year during the spring season (March through May) and again during the fall season (September through November) Contractor shall inspect roofs for deficiencies. The inspection will include but is not limited to all gutters and downspouts to ensure they are clear and free flowing. At each maintenance, all deficiencies shall be documented on the Roof Inspection Checklist and photographed. A copy shall be left with the on-site contact, and another shall be sent to the CHP Facilities Coordinator within three business days. 6. Maintenance/Inspection Specifications This Agreement is under the jurisdiction of CHP, who will execute the Agreement documents; coordinate with Contractor as necessary and conduct inspections to ensure that the work is performed in strict accordance with the specifications. No deviations from this Scope of Work will be permitted without concurrence and prior authorization from the CHP Facilities Coordinator or designee. This Agreement covers the maintenance of the area office roof as well as detached out buildings. Maintenance/inspection shall include the following: A. Remove all debris from roof surfaces, gutters, and downspouts. Immediately notify CHP Facilities Coordinator of all deficiencies. B. Inspect interior of building for signs of water penetration, frost build-up, and structural distress. The CHP on-site will walk the facility with Contractor. C. Inspect exterior of building for continuity of roof covering, deterioration of fascia, gutters, soffits, and performance of flashings. D. Remove accumulations of soil which may support plant life resulting in roof damage. E. Inspect condition of flat roof surface for blisters and ridges, splits or crack in the membrane, open end or lap joints in the cap sheet or membrane, exposed felts or deterioration of any component of the roof system. F. Inspect all walk pads for deterioration.