The Vermont Department for Children and Families’ (DCF) mission is to foster the healthy development, safety, well-being, and self-sufficiency of Vermonters. The Department is structured around six Divisions that delivery programs and services to Vermonters; one of those Divisions is the Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO). The mission of the Office of Economic Opportunity is to increase the self-sufficiency of Vermonters, strengthen Vermont communities, and eliminate the causes and symptoms of poverty. The Office administers federal and state funds that support the work of organizations that provide direct services to low-income Vermonters. The Office of Economic Opportunity administers the Family Supportive Housing (FSH) program to reduce the incidence and duration of child and family homelessness in Vermont by supporting homeless families with minor children to transition to, and sustain, stable housing through targeted provision of case management, service coordination and coordinated access to affordable housing. Family Supportive Housing provides intensive, customized case management services and service coordination to families experiencing homelessness who present with a higher degree of complexity and service need. The Office of Economic Opportunity is seeking to enter into a contract or contracts with one or more vendors who have demonstrated experience in serving families experiencing homelessness, providing customized service coordination, developing and maintain housing and community partnerships, engaging with the local Homeless Continuum of Care and an understanding of Coordinated entry, and managing state or federal grants and/or contracts of comparable scale. Bidders may choose to seek to provide services in one, multiple or all districts.