Specifications include, but are not limited to: The selected consultant will be expected to provide the following services at a minimum: A. Obtain any necessary Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval/exemption for the evaluability assessment. B. Based upon existing literature and model evaluability assessments, and in collaboration with DCFAS: 1. Develop and refine questions for the Cultural Broker Program evaluability assessment, balancing the interest to learn about the Cultural Broker Program for participants (e.g., goals for African American children are to reduce child welfare involvement, reduce child deaths, and reduce first-time entries and re-entries into foster care; and increase relative placements, increase safe, successful, and timely permanency for families, and increase placement stability; and enhance connections to natural support systems, neighborhood resources, frequency of contact, and composition of networks) and the communities in which they live with the goal of being as minimally invasive and time-protective for participants as possible. 2. Develop and refine the evaluability assessment and methodology and execute a plan with a project timeline customized to the Cultural Broker Program utilizing an equity and inclusion lens to support the program participants' engagement, experience, and storytelling. The evaluability assessment shall strike a reasonable and feasible balance between systematic analysis and assessment and the practical and financial constraints of this program. Participation in the evaluability assessment is voluntary for all program participants...