Specifications include, but are not limited to: • Provide Medi-Cal Rx covered supplies, medications and durable medical equipment in Medi-Cal formulary to Siskiyou County Jail Correctional Health Services. • Comply with all federal and state statutes. • Follow billing and claims processes, including all real-time or batched billing/claims requirements and prior authorization requirements, that match current Fee for Service processes in Medi-Cal Rx for prescriptions. • Provide refills in a timely and efficient manner. • Pharmacy services provided 6 days a week, Monday through Saturday, including delivery of medications to the Siskiyou County Jail. • Fill and deliver all prescriptions within 24 hours of being ordered. • A system will be in place to guarantee that a pharmacist is reached on a timely basis for emergency situations. • Provider shall report drug contraindictions to the nurse at the Siskiyou County Jail. • Provide blister packaging or unit dose packaging for medications. • Provide monthly/quarterly and year-to-date auditing with breakdown of medications prescribed.