Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Data collection, site visit, collect approx. elevation – A professional engineering team will complete a site visit and gather data to better understand relevant conditions. The engineering team will gather information on area elevations. 2. Update mapping -- The information gathered in the first task will be compiled and combined with existing data to update mapping of the project area. 3. Model existing conditions update and validation – The engineering team will update the existing hydraulic modeling for the project area and validate data based on past and recent flood events. 4. Modeling of culvert alternatives – The engineering team will model culvert location, sizing, and alignment alternatives. This modeling will assist in identifying a preferred alternative. 5. Concept Plans (10%) –The engineering team will complete 10% concept plans for use in Benefit Cost Analysis, EHP review, and funding applications. 6. Project development memorandum – The findings of the tasks outlined above will be summarized in a project development memo. 7. FEMA Benefit Cost Analysis, update – The engineering team will complete an updated Benefit Cost Analysis meeting FEMA standards for Hazard Mitigation Grant Program applications. 8. FEMA Environmental/Historic Preservation Review – The engineering team or an appropriate subcontractor will compile information necessary to complete FEMA Environmental/Historic Preservation Review 9. Public meeting -- Findings will be presented at a public meeting organized by the Town, engineering team, and Lamoille County Planning Commission.