Specifications include, but are not limited to: complete demolition and removal of the vacant two-story building located at 1101 S 42nd Street, Omaha, NE 68105. The building is a combination of cast in place concrete, masonry, brick veneer, wood studs, drywall, and plaster. The building is constructed into a hill such that the southeast side of the building is a retaining wall allowing the second floor to exit on grade. There is a below grade boiler room and an existing boiler that will need to be demolished and the resulting hole backfilled. Existing utilities serving the building will need to be demolished and capped at the property line as required by the associated utility provider. These utilities include electrical service, water service, sanitary/stormwater service, steam and condensate piping, and communications service. Small plants and shrubs within the limits of construction should be removed. The Owner will remove all tree material to 36” above existing grade. The remaining 36” tall stumps and root balls shall be removed and backfilled by the Contractor. All building materials are to be completely removed from the property and disposed of properly. This includes all foundations, footings, retaining walls, and below grade utility piping. Once all building elements are removed, the project site needs to be backfilled to match the existing grade.