Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Overall Solution a) The assessment and instructional content must be aligned to Tennessee State Standards in reading and mathematics b) System must provide an integrated online assessment and instruction solution for students in grades K-8 for reading and math. The solution platform should not be broken into separate grade bands. c) Proposer must provide information regarding the program’s technical, expert, and educator advisory panels. d) Solution must measure a series of critical data points that illustrate students’ proficiency and progress toward reaching proficiency. e) Solution must be teacher and student friendly. 2. Assessment Suite a) Solution must include a computer-adaptive diagnostic assessment in Reading and Math that pinpoints strengths and needs to the sub-skill level. b) The assessment must include a differentiated growth model that provides two benchmarks for understanding student growth: the average annual growth of students at each grade and placement level and also the growth recommended to put below-grade level students on a path to proficiency and on-grade level students on a path to advanced proficiency levels. c) The diagnostic assessment must provide both criterion-referenced and normreferenced scores, showing how students are performing relative to grade level standards as well as relative to other students. d) The diagnostic assessment must be reviewed and highly rated by NCII and/or NCRTI (or equivalent organization) as a screener and/or progress monitoring tool. e) Assessment items must be field-tested, bias free, and proven valid and reliable.