Specifications include, but are not limited to: Meet with cohort members to determine the goals for their Area Character Appraisal (how they intend to use it), the most appropriate elements to be included based on their stated goals, and to determine research and documentation needs. If needed, work in partnership with cohort members to define community boundaries. If needed, work in partnership with cohort members and project partners to record the community’s history and significant sites. Work in partnership with cohort members and project partners to determine the urban form of the area(s), including edges, nodes, corridors, land use patterns, zoning, lot sizes/shapes and density; architecture of the area(s), including height, scale and mass (both current and historic); and character-defining elements, including descriptions and illustrations of characteristic streetscape and landscape elements (i.e. building setback and height, streetscape and architectural rhythm, and architectural components). Work with cohort members and project partners to compile and vet any other content for the final Area Character Appraisal document, including preservation recommendations. Assist with preparation of the final Area Character Appraisal document as needed.