Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. Annual Flowers 1. Provide annual flowering plants to areas specified by Airport. 2. Annual flowers shall be fresh young plants, insect and disease free and without blooms or in bud with sparse blooms. 3. Plants shall have a healthy, vigorous, bushy, compact appearance with quality green leaf color and well-developed, uncrowded root systems. 4. Plants shall be planted in landscape sections in matched form. B. Bed Area Chemical Weed Control 1. Application of herbicide to weed growth in beds. C. Debris Pick Up - Turf Landscaped Areas 1. Patrolling and picking up trash and debris from lawn and landscaped bed areas on the property prior to mowing. D. Debris Pick Up – Clippings, Weeds, Pruning, Etc. 1. All debris such as clippings, weeds, pruning waste, etc. shall be removed by the provider on the same day that such items accumulate. E. Edging 1. Mechanical or power edging of the bed areas (shrub, flower, and ground cover) to achieve a 3” deep, hand-trimmed, defined bed edge. F. Lawn Fertilization 1. Fertilizing of the designated lawn areas utilizing professional grade 27-5-10, 50% Slow Release product. With sulfur and micro-nutrients at the rate of 4 lbs. per 1000 square feet, (1 lb.of actual nitrogen per 1000 square feet)...