Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Demolition shall be the removal and disposal of the entire building, any outbuildings, concrete footers, slabs or any other associated structures at such locations as designated by the City. This shall also include all trees and any brush, vines or bushes, etc. necessary to clear lot. NOTE: The contractor shall be responsible, at his own expense, for removing and disposing in the Montgomery County Landfill or other KDH&E approved landfill site, any and all materials. (The City demolition site will not be used for this project.) This shall include but not be limited to paint cans, carpet, furniture, appliances, and other household trash as designated by the City. 2. Transite siding will be removed by hand, wetted and bagged (6 ml), and disposed of in an approved landfill in accordance with KDHE regulations. The contractor will not pulverize or otherwise crush asbestos siding and must remove by hand. 3. If required by the City prior to commencing work, the Contractor shall submit to the City a proposed method of operations for the removal and disposal of the structure(s). The schedule of coordination for shut-off, capping or discontinuation of utility services shall be submitted if so required by the City. Utilities may be left intact only by written request to the City by the owner of record prior to commencing work on the project. 4. Structures to be demolished shall be vacated and discontinued from use or inhabitation prior to commencing work. The Contractor shall cease work immediately and report the same to the City upon discovering either persons occupying the structure(s) for any reason or any other extenuating circumstances that would require action by the City or the owner before continuing demolition operations.