Specifications include, but are not limited to: : Calibrate the Weigh in Motion (WIM) sites according to the following specifications. Before calibration complete the following items: x Update the iSINC interface modules including LSM, SGSM, KSM, QSM with the latest firmware. x Test and verify control and sequence of operational interface components for VWS web display if applicable. x Test response levels and signal levels of in-road instrumentation using iSINC signal capture. Have the Contractor and Vendor on site during the calibration of all sites. Identify the Vendor representatives at the preconstruction conference or before starting work. Weight Testing. Secure and pay expenses to provide the test truck used for calibrating the WIM system. Provide a tractor unit for the test truck that meets the following: x Steering axle with a weight between 10,000 lbs and 12,000 lbs, x Tandem drive wheels with a weight between 32,000 and 34,000 lbs, and x The remaining weight of 34,000 lbs must be loaded equally all over the entire length of the trailer, and x The calibration vehicle must be capable of 80,000 lbs gross vehicle weight (GVW)...