Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Department may purchase a single trailer, many trailers, accessories or parts in any single purchase, but no minimum or maximum purchase is guaranteed. When applicable, all trailers, parts and accessories must conform with any provided Specifications. These may not be waived or modified unless done so in writing by the Department. Additional Specifications will be provided to Suppliers when a quote is requested by the Department. Accessories - The Bidder may offer a catalog of all accessories related to trailers. All accessories offered must meet all State of Georgia requirements, all GDOT requirements, must be operational, and must be legally road ready. The accessories must be in new, not used, condition and GDOT may, at its sole discretion, request documents related to the accessories such as user manuals, certificate or origin, and other related items as to the usage or origin of the accessories. Ordering Process - Trailer, Trailer Part, Accessory Ordering: The ordering process for trailers, trailer parts, and accessories will be as follows for this Contract: GDOT will identify a need for a trailer, trailer part, or accessory. GDOT will request a quote from Supplier(s) on contract for the trailer, trailer part, or accessory. GDOT will provide a description, specification, or other information required to the Supplier(s) for the quote. Supplier(s) will provide a quote based on the description, specification, or other information provided. The Quote must contain: The name of the trailer, trailer part, or accessory. The catalog number (or equivalent) of the trailer, trailer part, or accessory. The catalog price (or equivalent) of the trailer, trailer part, or accessory. The discount percentage from the Supplier’s Cost Worksheet...