Specifications include, but are not limited to: lorence 1 Schools is seeking a Professional Development Service Provider that provides PD on research-based and proven assessment and instruction solutions aligned to the South Carolina State Standards in reading and mathematics, detailing strategies in academics, cognitive, and social-emotional. Overall Program e The program must include a cognitive assessment (NAME) assessment suite that addresses a range of assessment needs with one solution, including a web-based, adaptive diagnostic, interim growth monitoring assessments, and assessment of standards mastery. The assessment report should provide objective measures across core domains of executive functions, complex reasoning, memory, and speed to inform teachers about how to support students. e The system must provide a unified/integrated online assessment and as a result inform professional development around specific instructional strategies and solutions for students in grades 6-8 in the areas of academics, social & emotional, & cognitive. e Proposals must include research, including third-party reviews, that support the solution9s efficacy with a wide range of students such as English Language learners, students with disabilities, and other students with special needs or considerations; as well as the ability to challenge high ability students. e The solution must measure a series of critical data points that identify students' strengths and provide teachers with strategies to address individual learning needs. e The solution must be user-friendly for teachers and students...