Specifications include, but are not limited to: 3.1 Strategic Services and Project Management Serve as the lead licensing consultant to KPU, performing strategic planning, budgeting, scheduling, and oversight activities associated with the relicensing of the project. 3.2 Information Management Collect, make available, publish and maintain data necessary for the relicensing effort, including, but not limited to: • Public and internal documents developed during the relicensing process. • A website and/or other means to provide public information and internal document facilitation. Provide supporting protocols for the use of the system as well as training and maintenance of the system as required. • Databases necessary for project management or preparation of relicensing materials. 3.3 Scientific and Engineering Services Develop study plans and protocols including but not limited to scientific and engineering work directly related to information needs for the relicensing. Manage relevant engineering and scientific studies and analyses. As required in Section 4.7 of this RFP, bidders must provide a list of the anticipated studies in support of the relicensing efforts and the estimated cost to complete each study, including draft and final study reports. 3.4 Sub-Contractor and Additional Consultant Management Oversee and direct sub-contractors engaged in the relicensing effort. Provide quality control and oversight, as necessary, for services and work products of subcontractors and additional consultants.