Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Provide board eligible or board-certified licensed psychiatrist(s) on-site at the facilities, upon request. The psychiatrist/physician shall provide both routine and emergency services as requested. 2. Ensure candidates have a minimum of three (3) years of experience in the practice of psychiatry/medicine and meet all credentialing requirements of their profession. 3. Ensure individuals providing services maintain current, unrestricted license to practice medicine, and to practice medicine in the specialty of Psychiatry that meets training and practice experience requirements of the practice standards as determined by professional certifications organizations and the medical community. 4. The Contractor shall have and maintain Medical Malpractice, Liability Insurance, and Worker’s Compensation in the amount of no less than $1,000,000 (policy limit) and comprehensive general insurance in the amount of no less than $1,000,000 per individual claim, and $3,000,000 in the aggregate (policy limit). In the event that any insurance coverage lapses or is modified in any way, the contractor shall notify the facility in writing within five (5) days. It is acceptable by the state of Kentucky and for the purposes of this Request for Proposal to maintain only the general liability insurance and medical malpractice insurance without maintaining directors and officer’s liability insurance mentioned in Section 11.00.08- Maintenance of Insurance. The Education and Labor Cabinet shall not be liable for any employee insurance associated with this contract, including, but not limited to medical malpractice. B. The Psychiatrist responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following functions: 1. Work directly with the Center's student body to provide psychiatric consultation, evaluation, medication follow-up and on-call consultations. 2. Diagnose and treat mental illnesses of the student body in a clinical setting. 3. Be available for recommendations for medication, laboratory work, admission to hospital facilities and referrals as required. 4. Be available for maintenance and advice per telephone to the Center's nursing and psychological staff for emergency and/or minor incidents/illnesses. 5. Treat consumers at the facility, consumers admitted to the CDPVTC might be currently receiving psychiatric services/medication. 6. Evaluate consumers and continue treatment/therapy/medication orders as necessary for consumers to continue participation in program while at the Center. 7. Provide psychiatric medication/maintenance to consumers as medically necessary.