Specifications include, but are not limited to: 2.1 Develop an online interactive K-12 District/School Accreditation Review Management system. 2.1.1 Allow the State to facilitate accreditation reviews with districts and schools in South Dakota. 2.1.2 The system must be customized to the SD accreditation process needs and adaptable to future updates. 2.1.3 Provide the State the ability to communicate with districts/schools throughout the accreditation review process along with allowing the State to record in-house only relevant notes pertaining to the review. 2.1.4 Districts/schools must be able to submit/upload required documentation to the State through the system. 2.1.5 Include the ability to produce auto-generated communication based on assigned timelines, generate reports and extract data. 2.1.6 The system must have the capability to be connected, through APIs, to other State online systems for the purpose of importing relevant information regarding teacher certification and student information. 2.1.7 This system must be able to store accreditation review data for a period of 20 years. 2.1.8 Users will include State employees and District/School personnel. The State must be able to add and delete users in these two arenas as needed. 2.2 Hosting and Data Access Requirements The contract doubles as an agreement for the State to own the data tables and is able to manipulate data, run reports as needed, pull code tables, access raw data, and develop dashboards as needed through Microsoft Power BI, ESRI, Tableau and associated platforms.