1. Develop Design Criteria and Scoping • Gather data from previous projects and other sources, such as hydrology information, modeling, drawings, reports, digital elevation and terrain data, etc. • Identify problem areas from previous studies and through close coordination with the city. Develop a map showing these areas and data gathered from previous projects and other sources. • Refine design criteria to be considered for the city's current analysis and future growth and development. • Prepare background sections of the report and submit a draft for city review. 2. Hydrology and Hydraulic Modeling Description • Collect essential field data for modeling, such as pipes, culverts, and open channels on the main drainages through the city. This information will aid in identifying existing deficiencies. • Prepare hydrologic models for current and future development conditions. Modeling will include the area of Lake Point and the upstream watershed from the Oquirrh Mountains. • Identify deficiencies, report flows and volumes, considering different model conditions. • Prepare analysis sections of the report and submit a draft for city review. 3. Mitigation Measures and Reporting • Develop flood protection projects that meet the previously defined design criteria and address identified deficiencies. • Prepare concept project exhibits. • Prepare preliminary cost estimates. • Prepare preliminary Benefit Cost Analysis. • Organize the proposed improvements by those to be completed by the city, future developers, and those that would be good candidates for funding through other sources, including FEMA BRIC. • Prepare report and submit for city review 4. Stormwater Master Plan Report • Prepare a map of the existing storm drain system • Prepare a map of canal systems • Evaluate land use and zoning areas using current and future land use maps • Forecast future stormwater capacity needs • Provide an overall list of conclusions and recommendations drawn from the Master Plan Study • Prepare a conceptual drainage system design Master Plan • Determine, analyze, prioritize, and recommend major stormwater control facilities • Identify and create a list of projects needed to address current deficiencies in the stormwater system and projects needed to serve the City at build-out