Specifications include, but are not limited to: Bidders must provide pricing for the following: 1. Load Flow Studies ‐ Determine line impedance, bus voltages, branch currents, load currents, branch power flows, and power used between buses. Evaluate kW, kVA and kVAR power flows. This task will be completed for all distribution circuits and for all transmission circuits. 2. Evaluate System Energy Losses‐ Determine magnitude and cause of losses, including distribution transformer sizing. 3. Evaluate Transmission System (if applicable) ‐ Determine capacity loading levels, losses, system compatibility and reliability and circuit configuration. 4. Evaluate Distribution Substations‐ Determine capacity, loading levels, losses, system compatibility, reliability and settings of equipment. 5. Evaluate First Level contingencies – Determine and design alternate feeds for all with priority given to critical loads identified by the City. 6. Evaluate Main Feeder and Interconnection Distribution System ‐ Determine capacity, loading level losses, reliability, and present circuit configurations. 7. Capacitors‐Power Factor ‐ Analyze adequacy of size and location of existing capacitors and recommend improvements. 8. Impact of EV penetration across system. 9. Impact of current and increased renewable energy installations across system. 10. Identify and provide feasibility of Smart Grid technology across system...