Specifications include, but are not limited to: H. SCOPE OF WORK: DAILY REQUIREMENTS: 1.01 WASTE & TRASH RECEPTACLES: Areas: All Specifications: Empty all contents from trash and waste receptacles into trash cart or plastic bags and clean receptacles as necessary. Refurnish all receptacles with clean, properly fitting liners when they are stained, torn or soiled. NOTE: Stainless steel fixtures shall be polished with an appropriate cleanser and in the direction of the fixture grains without leaving streaks, smudges or prints. Standards: Properly cleaned waste and trash receptacles are free of all waste residues, soiled liners, odors, stains, and other debris. Stainless steel fixtures shall be cleaned, polished, free of smudges, prints and streaks and display a continuously bright and uniformly smooth appearance over all surfaces. 1.02 DUSTING: FURNITURE AND FIXTURE SURFACES: Areas: All Specifications: Dust with a treated dust cloth all cabinets, chairs, conference room tables on 1st and 2nd floor, bookcases, lockers, window sills, ledges, door sills, radiators, counter tops, desks, walls, baseboards, wall-mounted appurtenances (pictures, frames, etc.) and all other furniture or fixture surfaces not otherwise mentioned except painted wall surfaces where a non-treated dust cloth attached to a long-handled tool shall be used to reach surface areas from baseboard to the ceiling lines. Abrasive cleaning agents shall not be used on any of the above-mentioned surfaces. Equipment such as radios, telephones, large wall monitors in offices or conference rooms or other electronic equipment and similar items are not to be disturbed but shall be dusted with a feather duster to prevent dust build up. Standards: All properly cleaned and dusted surfaces are free of stains, spots, dust, lint, smudge marks, cobwebs, and other unsightly appearances. Standards: Properly cleaned vinyl-covered surfaces are free of dirt, stains, smudges and discoloration and shall display a uniformly clean and bright appearance over all surfaces without causing any damage or other unsightly conditions to be visible. 1.03 GLASS SURFACES: ENTRANCES, INTERIOR OFFICES & HALLWAYS: Areas: All Floors Specifications: Clean any visible smudges on all office partition windows on ALL floors. Exterior windows are not to be cleaned.