Specifications include, but are not limited to: Part I: Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the current state of the OHA’s Kipuka GIS Database and propose a strategic course of action to address identified issues and needs, prioritizing the following two components: a. Kipuka ArcGIS Web Application Update b. Kipuka Static Website Update Part II: Implement agreed upon updates, upgrades and fixes which may or may not be limited to or dictated by the results of the comprehensive assessment in Part I: A. Kipuka ArcGIS Web Application Update 1. Update the current ArcGIS 10.8.1 web application with the best recommended ArcGIS update; 2. Re-install (if required) prior customized feature and content resulting in a seamless transfer of admin and user functionality, e.g. third-party components such as Google Maps; 3. Address potential ArcGIS Server and PostgreSQL components that need to be reconfigured after the ArcGIS Web Application update; 4. Identify and propose a course of action to address further updates and issues resulting from the upgraded ArcGIS web application. B. Kipuka Static Website Update 5. Ensure website compatibility with the latest ArcGIS Web Application update across all search platforms, (e.g. accessing the Kipuka menu in Chrome); 6. Ensure the Kipuka Static Website is designed and compliant with current Web accessibility practices (eAccessibility); 7. Update API link between the OHA’s Kipuka Database and Papakilo Database on the Kipuka Database side; 8. Address Internal Server Errors with the proxy.ashx code in the