Specifications include, but are not limited to: Medical Services: Medical Provider handles all in-house medical services for inmates. The County will be responsible for all medical expenses. Nursing Services: A Licensed Nurse will be on-site at the jail 12 hours per day, 7 days per week to dispense medications, perform basic physical assessments, keep updated medical records, ensure compliance with prescribed therapies, and assist the licensed healthcare provider with other medical necessities. See attached staffing matrix. Dental Services: Medical Provider will contract with a dentist to provide all dental services. Medical Provider will be financially responsible for the evaluation and simple extractions only. The county will be financially responsible for all surgical and other dental procedures. If an on-site dentist is required, County will be responsible for all required equipment and supplies. Prescription Medications: All over-the-counter medications and medications listed on the attached Formulary Medication List will be the financial responsibility of the Medical Provider. All other medications will be the financial responsibility of the County. Medical providers will contract with the pharmacy to provide medications, Mental Health Services: Medical Provider shall arrange and bear the cost of on-site mental health services for inmates which shall include evaluations, referrals, crisis management, suicide intervention, individual therapy, basic community linkage, and continuity of care. Medical Provider shall not be responsible for the provision or cost of any off-site or. Impatient mental health services. X-Ray Services: Medical Provider will provide on-site X-rays at no expense to the County. Off-site X-rays will be the financial responsibility of the County. The County will be financially responsible for all ultrasound expenses completed on-site or off-site, Laboratory Services: Medical Provider will provide formulary labs listed on the attached Formulary Laboratory List Non-formulary labs will be the expense of the County. Medical Supplies: Medical Provider will provide and be financially responsible for medical supplies required to provide medical care. Office Equipment: Medical Provider will not be financially responsible for the cost of any office equipment. The County shall be responsible for providing office equipment, such as computers, laptops, scanners, copiers, internet, fax, and phone services required for the operation of the medical unit. Medical Equipment: If parties mutually agree that medical equipment of more than $100 per unit cost is required to assist in providing health care services under this agreement, Medical Provider shall not be financially responsible for the expense of such medical equipment.