The North Dakota Department of Transportation, Motor Vehicle Division, hereafter, NDDOT MV, is soliciting proposals from vendors to provide lockbox receivable processing services. The vendor will provide lockbox receivable processing or Clearinghouse services for renewal payment processing. The vendor will oversee the motor vehicle lockbox receivable processing (invoice renewals) submitted by mail and will ensure that all invoices are remitted with proper documentation and fees. The vendor will track and image all documents and their payments received by mail into an electronic format which will be available for the NDDOT MV daily. The payment will be separated from the paperwork and processed by the vendor. A daily deposit will be done by the contractor and will initiate the ACH of the processed state funds to the NDDOT MV account. A data file of payments processed and their reference numbers will be created by the vendor and sent daily to NDDOT MV to update LEGEND (Licensing Enterprise Gateway Endpoint for North Dakota).