Specifications include, but are not limited to: FILLING CRACKS IN FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT Description. This work shall consist of cleaning and filling existing longitudinal and transverse cracks having a width of 3/16 inch or greater in flexible pavements and shoulders. Work shall be in accordance with TDOT standard specifications dated January 1, 2021. Method of Application. All cracks shall be thoroughly cleaned with high pressure, dry compressed air removing all vegetation, debris, moisture and foreign materials, as directed by the Public Works Director or is designee. The sealant shall be applied to the crack with a pressure feed wand system immediately after cleaning at a temperature within the range recommended by the Manufacturer of the sealant. The sealant shall be applied using the flush fill method. The crack shall be filled level with the asphalt surface. Immediately after placement of the sealant, a v‐shaped rubber squeegee shall be used to level all excess material above the asphalt surface. Any sealant above the asphalt surface must be feathered out as directed by the City. The crack filling will only be allowed when both the air and pavement temperatures are within the tolerances recommended by the Manufacturer of the material.