Specifications include, but are not limited to: Under this contract pest control is the use of properly registered pesticide and the use of approved devices at scheduled times and on an on-call basis to provide adequate and acceptable levels of insect and rodent population suppression at the city owned premises covered by this contract. The contractor shall furnish all labor, tools, materials and equipment necessary to accomplish the full treatment pest control service for all areas and buildings specified herein including all rooms, closets, lounges, toilets, kitchens, hallways, stairwells, basements, attics, laboratories plus any other building portions or parts not specifically described herein. Full treatment pest control service will include inspection and treatment for rats, mice, cockroaches, ants, moths, fleas, spiders, flies and silverfish plus any other pest not specifically excluded from the contract. Rat and mouse infestations located in boroughs in the ground adjacent to buildings are included. If any pests are discovered by city personnel after treatment, the contractor will respond within 24 hours following notification to correct the situation. Additional treatment to eliminate the problem shall be covered under this contract at no additional charge. Upon request a written facility inspection will be provided, indicating observations and recommendations.