Specifications include, but are not limited to: 2.1 Fire Station #14 – 5435 NW 1st Street out lot shall be mowed and trimmed approximately every 7-14 days but may vary during the mowing season due to weather conditions. 2.2 Fire Station #15 – 6601 Pine Lake front, vendor shall mow the green shaded area approximately every 7-10 days but may vary during the mowing season due to weather conditions. 2.3 Fire Station #15 – 6601 Pine Lake front, vendor shall mow the red shaded area approximately every 10-14 days but may vary during the mowing season due to weather conditions. 2.3.1 The red shaded area will be planted with a low grow little water and heat tolerant grass that will not need mowed as frequent. 2.4 Fire Training Facility – 300 South Street shall be mowed and trimmed approximately every 7-14 days but may vary during the mowing season due to weather conditions. 2.4.1 Areas for a total sterile weed kill shall be road and rocked areas inside the fenced area, 1ft. inside and outside of the fence line, large rock pile north to fence line and west of rock pile to fence line to include large concrete boulder area along west fence, area around and under staging items. These areas shall be done as needed after the first kill It is the vendors responsibility to spot spray on an as needed basis. LFR is not responsible to call and let the vendor know when it is needed. There shall be no weeds growing in the rock, box car area. 2.4.2 Mowing shall be in grass area from faucet north to large concrete rock pile, along west fence line after concrete blocks with small area just west of the train and west side of Maintenance Shop building outside of fence back to cedar trees. 2.5 All work shall be coordinated with the Facility Supervisor or his designated representative.