Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1 Develop a research-based, repeatable standards revision process that will produce content standards and, as applicable, related resources that are in alignment with South Dakota’s workforce needs and industry standards. The consultant should be familiar with national trends in Career and Technical Education (CTE) and be able to provide expertise to the department team regarding best practices to consider for South Dakota’s standards. The developed process should include the following: 2.1.1 A review and analysis of South Dakota’s career clusters, programs of study, and courses for alignment to postsecondary programs and labor market needs. The review and analysis will result in the identification of recognized programs of study and sequences of courses in South Dakota. 2.1.2 Mechanisms for gathering feedback about major themes for new standards or courses. These should seek stakeholder feedback from secondary and postsecondary instructors, business and industry stakeholders, and the general public. 2.1.3 Guidance for revising and writing course content standards that are aligned to South Dakota’s Career Clusters, industry trends, state labor market projections, and state industry needs. 2.1.4 Integration of technical standards, including current industry standards. 2.1.5 Integration of career ready practices 2.1.6 Integration of academic standards 2.1.7 Integration of safety standards 2.1.8 Identification of teacher certification recommendations 2.1.9 Review of applicable industry recognized credentials