Specifications include, but are not limited to: 2.3.1. Develop a detailed survey scope and survey methodology, pertinent to the collection of all assessment data and the information required to develop the database. 2.3.2. Survey existing physical conditions at the development, including but not limited to: the roofs, envelopes, windows, landscaping, streets/parking areas, sidewalks, etc.; the building interiors, including all finishes, fixtures, materials, and equipment; all common areas, including halls, lobbies, stairwells, etc.; crawl spaces, utility tunnels, etc.; and all mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and air conditioning systems, etc. 2.3.3. Interview resident representatives and maintenance and management staff; collect and record all relevant data. 2.3.4. Based on information gathered in the steps above, analyze the condition of all systems and components at the development and identify all capital improvements or modernization necessary. 2.3.5. Provide cost estimates for each item of recommended improvement, including units and unit prices where applicable.