Specifications include, but are not limited to: installation and development of a shallow-deep observation well pair at a Klamath County owned gravel lot approximately 2 miles south of Fort Klamath, Oregon (Figure 1) by an Oregon-licensed well driller (“Driller”) contracted to OWRD. All work shall be conducted according to established, professional well construction standards and follow all appropriate OAR and ORS guidelines. The Driller shall conduct work in a manner that prioritizes the health and safety of all site personnel. Should these guidelines and/or health and safety concerns conflict with elements of this technical specification, the Driller shall request clarification from OWRD before proceeding. The well shall be installed at the approximate coordinates of 42.675070, -121.995191, in township 33 South, Range 7.5 East, Section 34 NWNW. Final location of the well may be determined by site conditions and shall be agreed upon by the driller, landowner, and OWRD. The shallow well shall be drilled to a depth of less than 150 feet below land surface. The deep well shall be drilled to 500 feet below land surface and sealed to at least 300 feet below land surface in order to isolate the artesian aquifer. Actual drill depth and well construction shall be determined by OWRD staff and agreed upon with the driller to maximize the purpose of the project. The subsurface geology is expected to be similar to KLAM 752, KLAM 753, and KLAM 60477. Well construction shall generally follow that diagrammed in Figure 2, but the driller should recommend an effective and efficient approach to drill and construct the well, and provide detailed estimates, assumptions, and descriptions in support of the Driller’s line-item bid table.