Specifications include, but are not limited to: To conduct the forestry workforce study, the WTDB needs one contractor to perform the services of an economic/workforce/research/labor force consultant as described in this RFP. The activities from SB 1552, Section 40, include, but are not limited to: a) Facilitating an initial survey discussion, other ongoing conversations, and meetings with the steering committee and others to better understand and capture information, key issues, opportunities, solutions, recommendations, priorities, and other topics as deemed necessary by the committee regarding the Forestry Sector and its diverse subsectors. b) Identifying existing secondary and post-secondary education, training, apprenticeship and workforce development programs that prepare Oregonians for careers in the forestry workforce; c) Collecting data on participation in, completion of and employment outcomes for programs identified in paragraph (a) of this subsection; d) Identifying the number, type and location of businesses, nonprofit organizations, education and workforce providers and public entities composing the forestry sector in this state; e) Collecting data on the number, occupations, industries, wages and demographics of the forestry workforce in this state; f) Assessing current and projected forestry workforce needs; g) Identifying deterrents and opportunities for the forestry sector in retaining and recruiting the forestry workforce; and h) Developing recommendations to enhance the recruitment and retention of the forestry workforce. i) Providing a data gathering plan, including a description of what data gathering resources to be uses, how data will be collected, and what data sets will be used for the report ensuring that any data gaps are clearly identified as future collection needs. j) Responding to other requests deemed necessary as agreed to by the FWSC...