Specifications include, but are not limited to: a. Construction of new “End Zone” building at the south end of the Westfield High School football field/running track. The building will include locker rooms, concessions, restrooms, and storage space for athletics and performing arts, multiuse large group space for athletics, performing arts, robotics, testing, and professional development, and other instructional/classroom/lab space, and potential greenhouse. Other associated work will include reconstruction of the existing running track, field events, replacement of the synthetic turf field, and other related, required work. b. Additions & renovations to the high school building for performing arts areas, including, upgraded dressing rooms, set shop, and storage area for the Auditorium, expanded Band Room, new shared space for theater/band/show choir that would incorporate dressing rooms and restrooms to be utilized by performing arts, an overhead pedestrian walkway that connects the high school to the new “End Zone” building while maintaining the access road underneath, and other related, required work.