Specifications include, but are not limited to: The project name is: 100712 - Scoggins Valley Road MP 3.7 Slide Stabilization. This project consists of reconstructing the roadway, guardrail, excavating failing embankment, constructing MSE granular backfill with geogrid, subsurface drain, stone embankment, and adding and replacing existing storm drainage on Scoggins Valley Road in Washington County. This project will utilize open excavation techniques for removal and installation. Associated activities include traffic control, protection of fish, wildlife, plants, and waterways, earthwork, ACP paving, and revegetation. Full road closures will not be allowed on this project. All work except for seed establishment is to be complete by November 30, 2024. The work to be done under this contract consists of the following in Washington County, Oregon: 1. Install, maintain, and remove temporary traffic control and erosion control measures. 2. Perform all removal of storm drainage, structures, and obstructions. 3. Install 12” stormwater pipes and catch basins. 4. Install drainage curb and subsurface drain line. 5. Construct stone embankment. 6. Construct MSE granular backfill with geogrid. 7. Construct roadway improvements including aggregate base and ACP asphalt. 8. Install weatherized guardrail. 9. Install permanent striping. 10. Perform additional and Incidental Work as called for by the Specifications and Plans.