Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Clearing, grubbing, and disposal of cleared and grubbed materials within the project. 2. Earthwork and related operations, including, but not limited to, excavating all classes of material, handling, storage, transportation and disposal of all excavated and unsuitable or excess material, construction of fill material areas, placing and replacing fill materials around structures, preparation of subgrades, finished grading, and any other similar, incidental, or appurtenant earthwork operations which may be necessary to properly complete the project. 3. Temporary and permanent erosion and sedimentation controls as shown on the Drawings. 4. Furnishing and placing Rip Rap for slope protection culvert and outlet protection in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications 5. Vehicular Paved areas including aggregate subbase, aggregate base, prime coats, tack coats, asphaltic concrete pavement, curb, wheel stops, striping, and associated materials for Park Drive. This also includes any traffic control required.