Specifications include, but are not limited to: Work under this contract consists of conducting a Lead-Lag Study for Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility (AWWU) and preparing and providing expert testimony before the RCA as to the results of the Lead-Lag Studies such that AWWU will be able to recover in rates a reasonable cash working capital requirement. The Contractor shall on an assigned basis perform the following: RFP 2024P037 Provide Cash Working Capital Requirement – Lead-Lag Study Page 6 of 11 A. Conduct a Lead-Lag study for Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility (AWWU) based on a 2023 test year on supportable rationales to be filed with the RCA for approval in AWWU’s general rate case filing in accordance with standard utility practice. B. Develop pre-filed direct expert testimony to be filed with the as part of AWWU’s general rate case filing which supports the lead-lag study results and the study methodologies, possibly in multiple iterations, as required. C. Respond to data requests and review testimony prepared by AWWU personnel and Intervenors. D. Interact and coordinate studies and testimony with AWWU outside regulatory counsel. E. Interact with other external consultants of AWWU to ensure data simultaneously filed with the Regulatory Commission of Alaska is consistently supported. F. Prepare for and attend hearing(s) telephonically and in Anchorage, Alaska, as may be required, to defend testimony. G. Participate in other matters consistent with area of expertise and practice by mutual consent.