Specifications include, but are not limited to: a. Streets scheduled for milling and resurfacing will consist of the furnishing of all materials, labor, and equipment for the complete construction including but not limited to: repairing the existing pavement base where needed, resurfacing of adjacent driveways to meet street pavement grades, maintaining traffic control measures, milling existing pavement, installing tack coat, installing asphaltic concrete surface, course applying high density mineral bond, adjustments of water valves & manholes, and the installation of pavement striping, and markings as directed, performing cleanup and related work. b. At locations where the asphalt is higher than the gutter, the milling depth will be greater than the inlay depth. The milled surface at those locations shall be one and one half (1.5) inches below the gutter and the completed asphalt surface shall be flush with the gutter. c. The pavement to be placed after milling the existing wearing course is a one and one half (1.5) inch 9.5mm super-pave asphalt on residential. d. Patching shall include 4-inch depth milling down to existing subgrade and compacted subgrade, 4 inches of 25mm superpave, and 1.5 inches of 12.5mm superpave surface course on non-residential. e. Load tickets that meet Georgia Department of Transportation specifications must accompany all delivered materials. The contractor must supply copies f. of all asphalt tickets to the city. g. AC-20 or AC-30 bituminous tack shall be used on these projects. All surfaces shall be cleaned completely and thoroughly dried before any tack is applied. Tack shall not be applied when the pavement is wet. Bituminous tack shall be applied between .04 and .06 gallons per square yard. All materials and equipment used to perform the bituminous tack coat shall be considered incidental to the work and included in the bid price for other pay items.