Specifications include, but are not limited to: Administrative Law Judge(s) (ALJ(s)) shall conduct on-site administrative hearings for enforcement of the SCHA’s operating policies and procedures, including, but not limited to, the San Carlos Apache Tribe’s Housing Ordinance, the SCHA’s Occupancy Manual, the Native American Housing and SelfDetermination Act of 1996 and its implementing regulations, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development-Office of Native American Programs’ policies, homebuyer agreements, rental leases, the SCHA Personnel Manual, and applicable federal, state and tribal employment and housing laws. The responsibilities will include: • Coordinate hearing scheduling with SCHA staff; • Reviewing case documentation; • Conducting hearings and hear testimony and evidence from parties regarding the issues; • Preparing a written determination, which sets forth the legal and evidentiary basis for the decision, and adopting findings as required by SCHA operating policies and procedures; and • Performing all other work necessary for the effective handling of the SCHA’s administrative hearings. ALJ(s) will confirm the absence of conflicts before undertaking any new matters for the SCHA. ALJ(s) will inform and seek the consent of the SCHA before representing another client in any matter directly adverse to the SCHA (e.g., transactions, negotiations, proceedings, or other representations involving specific parties). All hearings will be conducted in English and with the assistance of Apache language interpreters as provided by employees/contesting parties. The number of hearings each month varies so there is no guaranteed minimum docket of cases for hearing.