Contractors shall provide their cost for completing projects identified by the Agency through this on-call price agreement. Projects may be of short- or long-term duration, throughout the state. Contractors shall have the technical staff to complete a project including getting all required licenses, fees, bonds and permits (e.g. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan) required to perform the work. Contractors shall be “Licensed Contractors" holding a GF-3 & GF-4; and/or GA-98 or GB-98 (depending on project) classification license capable of providing all coordination, supervision and services required for comprehensive construction per engineering designs. Project may include but not limited to; angler and boater access, aquatic barriers, and instream habitat improvement projects including repairs, upgrades, improvements, and new construction. Projects will be built to specifications and under the direction of the agency’s project manager or contracted engineer. The scope of an individual project may include riparian restoration plantings, installation of instream habitat structures (e.g., rocks, wood, gravel, concrete, metal), building angler and boating access (e.g., fishing jetties, boat ramps, docks, gangways), and the removal of material from sites. Other site work may include installation and improvements to access trails, landscaping (e.g., tree and shrub plantings), parking lot improvements (e,g, grading and gravel), minor road improvements (e.g., grading, gravel, drainage improvements), and repair or installation of pedestrian bridges. It may also include demolition and abatement projects. Some projects may require the contractor to provide final drawings of the completed project.